Taiwan: Shilin Night Market 士林夜市

Hailed as Taiwan’s biggest outdoor night market, one can easily get lost here at Shilin Nighmarket and it was fun to get lost here!

I started my exploration as I alight from the Jiantan station (劍潭) of the Taipei MRT. Just out side the station you’ll see the crowd already. Just remember that you need to get off at Jiantian Station and NOT SHILIN!

Night markets are part of the Taiwanese culture and this night market would not disappoint you, its like how I found a really good and cheap airline ticket for this trip. It wouldn’t be Taiwan’s most popular for nothing right?

You’ll find a lot of bargains here but there was one reason why I made sure that I go here, FOOD! Shilin night market offers a wide variety of food choices but this is the best place to taste authentic Chinese food like dumplings, most specially!

After walking for a few minutes, Alas! The first sign of the food section of the night market emerges a stand where you can buy different fruits on skewers or on a cup with a choice of putting some cream or milk on it.

There are a lot of food shops around the night market but the out door stalls of restaurants and hawkers alike are more popular to people.

Aside from food, like I mentioned, there are loads of bargains that you can choose from and when you get bored there are some activities like prawn fishing with paper can be found on some alleys.

I guess if I would be asked food would be the main attraction in this night market. Can you just believe how many times I have said that??? hahaha… Well It’s just because going at the Shilin Night Market for food is truly an experience.

But of course I wouldn’t let my self not get some of the bargain shopping action. I was able to buy a scarf for just a $100 NT because it was getting a bit cold that night.

If I were to ask if I would go back? I would say yes to the Shilin Night Market experience without skipping a  heart beat.

Xiexie Ni!

How To Get TO Shilin Night Market

Take the MRT and get off at the Jiantan Station as soon as you get out the station you’ll see the crowd already from where you are standing. Make sure that you get off at Jiantan station (劍潭)  and not the Shilin Station

ian dela pena

iandelapena, the person behind the blog brownmantrips is a yuppie living in the metropolis who believes there is always something good to see everywhere in the world. This is his depository of travel memories for his not so good and maybe soon to fail memory, thus the travelogues in this blog.