I was extremely tired from the whole day’s tour of the Angkor Wat complex. I wanted to stay for another day to rest but I could not afford the time for it. It was a delight though to find out what a Cambodian Hotel bus was.

I hopped on the bus and it was kind of weird. There were no seats, not even recliners. It was like a dorm with bunk beds left and right. The weirdest part was if you are traveling alone, you will have to share a bed with a complete stranger!
I was too tired though to think about being picky, so I searched for my slot and settled. Since I was first on the bunk, I had the chance to take the window side. I shoved all of my things between me and the window wall to secure them. I turned my back to the aisle so I didn’t have to see the face of my bunkmate if I was gonna have any. If you are a solo female traveler, I would not recommend booking a hotel bus. Stick with the regular buses.
As I lay, trying to be comfortable with a stranger beside me, the bus slowly departed the stop. It was a slow night bus, so I tried to get some sleep. I was secure hugging my bags against the window.